The Town of Shelburne helps keep our community safe through emergency services, planning and preparedness. The Shelburne and District Fire department and the Dufferin OPP Detachment provide our community with emergency response services.
In an emergency, call 911.
The Town of Shelburne is served by the Dufferin Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. The office is located at:
506312 Hwy 89, (east of Highway 10) Mono, ON L9V 1H9 1-888-310-1122 non-emergency number.
Dial 911. In the event of an emergency, call 911 from any phone.
The OPP's online reporting tool allows you to report minor occurrences such as theft, mischief to property, lost property and driving complaints that occurred in areas policed by the OPP.
Text 911. Registered users, text 911 from your mobile phone.
The OPP is equipped to receive emergency calls for service via Text with 911 (T9-1-1) from people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired (DHHSI). In order to use T9-1-1, members of the DHHSI community must register their cell phones with their wireless carrier in advance. The T9-1-1 service is not intended for use by the general public.
Citizen Self Reporting Report non-emergency incident via computer or mobile device.
The Ontario Provincial Police offers Citizen Self Reporting, it is another reporting tool that allows the public to report minor occurrences such as theft, mischief to property, lost property and driving complaints that occurred in areas policed by the OPP.
Citizen Self Reporting is simple and convenient it allows members of the public to use a computer or mobile device to report an incident without requiring an officer to attend the scene. This can be used when reporting incidents that do not involve injury or a suspect, or a crime that is not an emergency. The use of this new system is completely optional. Police will still attend a call for service if desired.
Liaison between the Town of Shelburne and the Detachment is through the Shelburne Police Services Board.
For more information see Committees and Boards.
The Fire department is located in Shelburne at 114 O'Flynn St. The Shelburne and District Fire Departments serves Amaranth, Melancthon, Mono, Mulmur and Shelburne. The department consists of one full-time Fire Chief, one volunteer Deputy Fire Chief and 28 volunteer fire fighters.
Before you have a recreational fire read By-Law 66-2004, By-law 22-2003, and By-law 25-2015. However, to fully understand your responsibility and the penalties that may result for failure to comply with regulations, you are advised to contact the fire department.
The Shelburne District Fire Board operates the Shelburne and District Fire Department that provides emergency services to Shelburne and the surrounding communities.
For more information see Committees and Boards.
Contact Us
Town of Shelburne
203 Main Street East
Shelburne, ON L9V 3K7
Phone: 519-925-2600
Fax: 519-925-6134
Email Us