Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
Whereas Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, often disabling neurological disease affecting an estimated 1 in 400 Canadians and approximately 90,000 across the country; and
Whereas Multiple Sclerosis symptoms vary widely and may lead to problems with numbness, coordination, vision and speech, as well as extreme fatigue and even paralysis; and
Whereas there is no known cause of, prevention of, or cure for multiple sclerosis; and
Whereas the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada is the only national organization in Canada that supports both MS research and services for people with MS and their families. Annual fundraising events such as the MS Walk, MS Bike, and A & W Canada’s Burgers to Beat MS campaign support programs to enhance the lives of people affected by multiple sclerosis and their families and support MS research in Canada; and
Whereas, since 1948, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada has contributed $200 million towards MS research; and is grateful for the dedication and commitment of its supporters and volunteers that has made this possible; and
Whereas together we will find ways to enhance the quality of lives for people affected by multiple sclerosis and to find a cure to end MS; and
Now Therefore, I, Mayor Wade Mills, on behalf of Council, do hereby proclaim the month of May 2022, as “MS Awareness Month” in the Town of Shelburne.
View the Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month proclamation.
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Town of Shelburne
203 Main Street East
Shelburne, ON L9V 3K7
Phone: 519-925-2600
Fax: 519-925-6134
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